
  • 2021-11-23 16:42:00

 编者按:AMD是老年人群中常见的眼病,分为干性和湿性两种,治疗的方法也各不相同。湿性AMD以抗VEGF治疗为主,但存在重复治疗、注射次数多等问题。干性AMD的治疗更加棘手,尚无临床广泛证明有效的治疗方法,但相关的临床研究一直在进行中。针对这些问题,大名鼎鼎的Wills 眼科医院视网膜科专家给出了他们的看法。本期便对湿性AMD的一些研究新进展作一汇报。

Taylor swift
Syed医生:我和Wills 眼科医院视网膜科的Ajay Kuriyan医生在这里。Kuriyan医生是一个具有创新性思维的人,并且一直激励着我。Kuriyan医生今天将与我们在这里一起讨论湿性AMD和干性AMD的进展。
Dr Syed: I am here with Dr Ajay Kuriyan from the Wills Eye Hospital Retina Service. Dr Kuriyan is someone who has inspired me from the day I met him. He is someone who loves to think outside the box and has inspired me to do so as well. Dr Kuriyan is here with us today to talk with us about advances in wet and dry AMD. Thanks Dr Kuriyan for being with us this morning. 
Dr Kuriyan: Thank you so much for inviting me. I am looking forward to talking about this topic.
Dr Syed: To start off, can you tell me what is in the pipeline for patients with wet AMD?
Dr Kuriyan: This is a really exciting time for wet AMD. We have a lot of studies going on right now in the phase III stage looking at trying to increase the duration of anti-VEGF treatments or the combination of anti-VEGF treatments. We know that anti-VEGF treatments have really revolutionized the treatment of wet AMD, but we see that over time, this is a big treatment burden for our patients to keep coming back into the clinic again and again for these injections. We are at a very exciting time because there is a lot of research being done to see if different compositions of anti-VEGF can potentially last longer in the eye, or if different delivery methods might help make the anti-VEGF last longer in the eye. Some of the things being looked at are usage of a port delivery device, essentially having a surgically implanted device that can store the anti-VEGF agent and slowly release it over time. There are also studies looking at gene therapy, where we essentially turn the cells of the eye into anti-VEGF producers, so there can be long-lasting anti-VEGF inside the eye.
Dr Syed: These sound very exciting. I literally know nothing about these, so I would love to hear more about each of those. Can you tell me more about the results from the port delivery devices? Who would be candidates for this? What are some of the outcomes we have seen so far?
Dr Kuriyan: We have had good phase II study data that have looked very promising. Studies are basically focused on patients who have persistent fluid and to see if that can be ameliorated with the port delivery device. We have seen some very positive outcomes from our phase II studies. Our phase III studies are a little broader and are available to patients who are treatment na?ve as well. This is a very exciting treatment modality because it can potentially result in a long duration therapy. The port does need to be refilled sometimes, so there is a whole system for refilling the port inside the clinic. It is a surgical procedure for the initial installation of the port. It is not going to be for everybody. There are some patients who are not going to want to undergo a surgical procedure to try to decrease the interval of their treatments, but that being said, there are certainly some patients who just don’t enjoy these injections and want something that can last longer. For these patients, this is a potentially great device for them.
Dr Syed: Where is the port placed exactly?
Dr Kuriyan: It is placed through the pars plana, so it can be placed subconjunctivally. You can see the port, so that is how you know you need to refill the port. You can look under the slit lamp to identify the port, and you can refill it using a special syringe that injects fluid in while drawing out the old fluid.
Dr Syed: You refill it right at the slit lamp?
Dr Kuriyan: Yes, you can refill it in-clinic.
Dr Syed: But it is placed in the operating room.
Dr Kuriyan: Right.
Dr Syed: Obviously, we don’t have a lot of data yet, but how long is one port functionally effective?
Dr Kuriyan: We are still learning that information. We are able to place these ports. We are able to refill these ports. The exact duration of how long that lasts is still a little up in the air because we need to follow these patients even longer to find out how long it can actually last.
Dr Syed: Are there any concerns about erosion through the conjunctiva or things like that seeing as it is placed subconjunctivall?
Dr Kuriyan: There certainly are concerns about that. In the early stages, that was one of the biggest issues that was coming up. There have been some advances in the surgical technique for putting in these ports. That has greatly reduced the problem, but it needs to be continued to be monitored for patients.
Dr Syed: Are there any safety concerns around the port?
Dr Kuriyan: You mentioned the conjunctival erosion, which is the biggest thing we need to look out for. Some patients can develop a vitreous hemorrhage during the installation of the port. The medication is ranibizumab, which is a very commonly used medication. The medication itself is not different at this point, which makes it a little more familiar for practitioners as well as patients, because it may be the same medication you have already been providing to patients.
Dr Syed: How often does that medication need to be refilled?
Dr Kuriyan: There is some variability based on how the patient is doing, and this is something that we are still fine tuning, but there are certainly a lot less of those refill visits compared to standard-of-care treatment.
Dr Syed: Very cool. Lastly, with regard to the ports, do you think this is something insurance companies will cover? Do you think this is something patients will have to bear the burden of the cost for?
Dr Kuriyan: I am hoping that insurance companies would cover this. It would be a treatment of a medical disease, just an alternative way to do it. We certainly need to run the numbers once it is available to see how cost effective it is. There is the potential for it to be more cost effective than monthly, every eight-weeks or even every 12-weeks injections. We still need more long-term data to fully assess that cost-benefit ratio. We are hoping it is something that would be approved, and if it is as efficacious as we hope it will be, then it will be approved.
Dr Syed: Can the port be used with any of the other anti-VEGFs medications or just ranibizumab?
Dr Kuriyan: At this point, it is only ranibizumab, because that is the way the trial has been designed, and the proprietary holder of that port is Genentech.
Dr Syed: Moving along, were there any other treatments for wet AMD that you wanted to discuss that are in the pipeline or newly available?
Dr Kuriyan: We were all very excited about a recent development with the most recent FDA approval of brolucizumab, which lasts longer on average in patients’ eyes. At this time, we are still waiting to clear up some safety concerns for it to be adopted more widely, but we were very excited about the results from the trial and hoping that some factors could be identified to see who is at risk for developing inflammation from brolucizumab. But at this point, the potential risk of inflammation is certainly limiting its widespread adoption.
Dr Syed: How many patients experience this intense inflammatory response after injection?
Dr Kuriyan: It is a very small number of people overall for any phase IV study where you are gathering data after your regular clinical trial is over. It is hard to figure out the exact incidence. Overall, we know the incidence is very low. That been said, when it does happen, it can potentially cause some very serious adverse events and loss of vision. That makes it a little bit of a tough thing to do. I think if you are using it, you definitely need to have a much more nuanced discussion with the patient about that specific risk. Even for the ongoing clinical trials, there have been more discussions about those potential risks for patients as well.
Dr Syed: Is anyone using it pretty frequently yet, or is it still undergoing studies?
Dr Kuriyan: It is definitely being used in the United States, but I think the amount of usage is a lot less than what it would have been if it didn’t have those issues. I think a lot of people are looking forward to trying to identify potential risk factors for that inflammation to avoid any patients who could experience that.
Dr Syed: Is the complication we are worried about a vitritis or a retinitis?
Dr Kuriyan: We are looking at a pretty wide spectrum of inflammation. There are some patients who only have inflammation in the anterior chamber, and some patients have a very robust inflammation in the posterior chamber, including vasculitis. It is a potentially vision threatening problem, and that is why it has been a little guarded in its adoption.
Word Study
subconjunctivally 结膜下给药
still a little up in the air  悬而未决
potential risks  潜在风险
vitritis 玻璃体炎
retinitis 视网膜炎
standard-of-care 标准治疗
pars plana睫状体平坦部



  • Linda Gareth
    2015年3月6日, 下午2:51

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